Inside this issue:
The End Comment: Maximizing the Teaching Moment in Teacher Response
by Andrew Merrill
New Media and Writing 150: Same Principles, New Platforms
by Courtney Beesley
Blogito, Ergo Sum: The Blogging Contribution to the Composition Classroom
by Christopher Husberg
Perturbing Our Students: Piagetian Dialectics in the First-Year Composition Classroom
by Clancy Clawson
Experimental Course: From Students to Writers: The Power of the Creative Writing Workshop in the First-Year Writing Classroom
by Emily Belanger
Experimental Course: Negotiating Difference: Incorporating and Responding to Multiple Perspectives in Composition
by Meredith Reed
Experimental Course: Writing, Rhetoric, and Music: A New Reader, a New Focus, and a New Discourse Community
by Katie E. Young